Navigating the Storm of Grief: Kylee Bandy

By Kylee Bandy

In 2018, my world was turned upside down when I lost my father, Jim Swiggart. He was not just my dad but also my confidant, my mentor, and one of my all-around favorite people. At his memorial service (of more than 400 people!), my family and I were blown away at how many folks came up to us and shared their experiences with him. These included stories of him dressing up in hilarious costumes at summertime parties in his hometown, hearing from those he had coached in tennis and other sports throughout the years, and his employees sharing the immense respect they had in working with and for him. One of our favorite things to hear was when someone, ranging from those who knew him for decades to those who had only met him once or twice, shared how even in just brief interactions, my dad always made them feel like one of the most special and important people in the room.

His death left a void in our hearts that seemed impossible to fill. The anticipatory grief we felt before his death, as well as the grief after he was gone, was overwhelming, to say the least. Amid the emotional turmoil and grief of his loss, even the simplest tasks seemed insurmountable. We were faced with a mountain of practical concerns — documents to sort through, decisions to make, legalities to navigate, and logistics to be handled. It was during this time that I realized not only how unprepared we (and many people going through this) really were, but also how cruel it felt to have to navigate these tasks that I had neither training nor expertise in at the time, while also juggling the regular aspects of my day-to-day life.

My dad had always been a meticulous and organized person, yet even with his careful planning, the process of managing his estate was complex and overwhelming. As we waded through paperwork and legal documents, I often found myself wishing there was someone who could guide me through it all — someone who understood the emotional weight of the situation and could help manage the practical aspects with compassion and expertise.

In the months that followed, as I continued to process my grief and navigate estate administration, I found myself reflecting on the difficulties my family was facing. I realized that many people must be going through similar experiences, struggling to manage the logistical challenges that come with losing a loved one. The idea of a business (that is now After Loss Advisors) began to take shape in my mind. I wanted to create a service that could offer support, guidance, and relief to those dealing with the “business side of death,” as well as help individuals get their affairs in order before something happened to them.

Starting After Loss Advisors was not just about creating a business; it was about turning my personal pain into a source of comfort and assistance for others. I envisioned a company that could provide a comprehensive range of services, from legacy and estate organizing to after-loss consulting, all delivered with empathy and understanding. After Loss Advisors is now a business dedicated to helping others navigate the overwhelming logistical challenges that come with legacy and estate organizing, both before and after a loss. The key to our success is a combination of practical expertise and heartfelt compassion.

Through After Loss Advisors, I have had the privilege of helping many families navigate the challenging terrain of loss and estate management. Each client’s story is unique, but the common thread is the profound sense of relief and gratitude they express when they realize they don’t have to face these challenges alone.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is seeing the transformation in my clients as they move from a place of overwhelm and confusion to one of clarity and control. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that I can make a difference in their lives during such a difficult time.

I often think of my dad and how proud he would be to see the positive impact his passing has had on so many people. Losing him was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but it also set me on a path of purpose and fulfillment. Through After Loss Advisors, I’ve been able to turn my grief into a force for good, helping others navigate their own journeys of loss and legacy. Every day, I am reminded of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of compassion and support.

For more information about Kylee, you can check out her website.


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