By Emily Jones How does anyone do this alone? Survive this? Will I ever feel joy again without it being overshadowed by sadness? People don’t become a widow at 37… I’m going to feel so alone. Or so I thought. These things plagued me for several months in grief. Losing my husband of nearly […]
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By Angie Hanson I write my feelings down and I share my stories because they matter. The people in my life who have died, they mattered and they still matter. My sole mission is to give hope to one person, to give hope to one million people. I want people to know that you […]
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By Claire Fryer When my mum became ill and was diagnosed with lung and brain cancer, my world fell apart. I remember lying curled up in a fetal position on the living room floor unable to take it in. My mum had always felt like my best friend and my biggest fear had been […]
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By Sarah Risser I was wrapped in a shroud of exhaustion. It was already the darkest time of year; the sun set late in the afternoon before most people sat down to dinner. Night after night for weeks, from mid-January through the end of that bitter, cold, Minnesota winter, I buried myself under blankets […]
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By Jody LaVoie July 31, 2014, was just another beautiful, sunny summer day in the suburbs of Chicago. I would have never guessed when I woke up that morning and kissed my husband goodbye as he went off to work that it would be the day that the world would forever change for me, […]
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By Jean Brunson For 279 days, grief has become a constant in my everyday life — a space where I was once familiar but not to this magnitude. My very first experience with grief was losing my grandmother at the age of 14. The matriarch of the family I’d have the honor of caring […]
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By Kara Nichols For 14 years, I had the joy of being a daddy’s girl. He was (and still is) my hero. A hard-working man, who loved his family dearly. Strong, gentle and kind-hearted. His jokes and smile alone could light up a room. Truly the human form of sunshine in my opinion. From […]
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By Tim Harris “Tears are what remain of the memories we made.” I never really thought about this when I wrote it some years ago, but the more it sat in my mind, and the more I meditated on this thought, grief is an ever-evolving part of our lives. We all can remember the […]
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By Claire Carmalt People often say they can’t imagine losing their child. Nothing in life prepares you for such a loss, it’s shattering and changes your life as you knew it. Something that I found out when my daughter Tory died suddenly in October 2022 at aged 20. I never imagined that anything like […]
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By Adele Di Paola MY DAD Ralph Di Paola was my father and my hero. My admiration for him knows no bounds. I can genuinely say that during my lifetime he wore many hats with ease. He was my best friend, my guide, my protector, my biggest champion, my financial advisor, my therapist… but […]
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